3M™ 导电胶带

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3M™ 导电胶带

3M ECATT General Overview Comparative Reference Table Contact Resistance (R ohms) between a copper foil test panel and a 2nd sheet of a copper foil test panel using the 3M ECATT Contact Resistance (R ohms) between a gold flexible test strip and a gold pad PCB panel using the 3M ECATT
Product Pictorial Design Thickness(μm) Z or XYZ Conductivity(Based on 3M Test Method) Conductive Filter Type Adhesive Type Features, Advantages, and Benefits Copper foil bonded to a copper foil using the 3M ECATT / 3M 2-point resistance test method / 645mm2 Overlap Contact Area / 1 Hr RT Dwell. See note 1. Gold flex bonded to PCB gold test pad. 6mm2 overlap contact area. 1 Hr RT Dwell. See note 1.
9703 50 Z Silver Low Outgassing Acrylic ECATT Z-Axis, Low Outgassing < 0.2 < 0.2
9705 50 Z Silver Standard Acrylic ECATT Z-Axis, Standard outgassing version of 9703 < 0.2 < 0.2
9706 50 Z Silver High Adhesion Acrylic ECATT High Adhesion version of the 9705 < 0.2 < 0.3
9707 50 XYZ Silver High Adhesion Acrylic ECATT High Adhesion, "Bond Line Gap/Slit" EMI Shielding for High Frequency, Low contact R to SS < 0.2 < 0.3
9709 50 XYZ Silver Standard Acrylic ECATT Standard Adhesion, "Bond Line Gap/Slit" EMI Shielding for High Frequency < 0.2 < 0.3
9709S 50 XYZ Silver Standard Acrylic ECATT Standard Adhesion, "Bond Line Gap/Slit" EMI Shielding for High Frequency, Low contact R to SS < 0.2 < 0.2
9709SL 50 XYZ Silver Standard Acrylic ECATT Premium low liner release version of 9709S < 0.2 < 0.2
7810 150 XYZ Nickel High Adhesion Acrylic ECATT Thicker ECATT for gap filling. < 1.5 < 10.0
7805 150 XYZ Silver Standard Acrylic ECATT Thicker ECATT for gap filling. < 1.0 < 0.2
7850 150 XYZ Carbon High Adhesion Acrylic ECATT Higher Thermal Conductivity & Thicker ECATT for gap filling. < 1.0 < 10.0
7772 66 XYZ Nickle & Alum DC Medium Adhesion Acrylic D/C Double Coated Aluminum foil < 0.5 < 2.0
9712 125 XYZ Carbon Standard Acrylic ECATT Non-woven conductive scrim & Standard acrylic adhesive. < 1.5 < 15.0
9713 89 XYZ Nickel/C Standard Acrylic ECATT Lower R non-woven conductive scrim vs. 9712 & Standard acrylic adhesive. < 0.4 < 7.5
9719 100 XYZ Nickel/C Silicone ECATT Low surface energy silicone adhesive, Higher temperature resistance, Lower R non-woven conductive scrim vs. 9712. < 1.0 < 20.0
9720 35 XYZ Nickel/Cu High Adhesion Acrylic ECATT Lower R non-woven conductive scrim vs. 9713, Thinner scrim design & Medium adhesion. < 0.2 < 0.5
9723 60 XYZ Nickel/Cu High Adhesion Acrylic ECATT Lower R non-woven conductive scrim vs. 9713, Thinner scrim design & High adhesion. < 0.2 < 0.4
9725 55 XYZ Nickel/Cu Medium Adhesion Acrylic ECATT Lower R non-woven conductive scrim vs. 9713 & High adhesion. < 0.2 < 0.5
9732 100 XYZ Nickel/Cu Medium Adhesion Acrylic ECATT Lower R non-woven conductive scrim vs. 9713, Thicker scrim design & High adhesion. < 0.2 < 2.5
9760 55 XYZ Nickel/Cu High / Low Adhesion Double sided reworkable Acrylic ECATT Easier rework as greater Face Side to Back Side adhesion delta. Easier rework version of 9725. High and Low adhesion sides. < 0.2 < 0.8
9764 150 XYZ Nickel/Cu High / Low Adhesion Double sided reworkable Acrylic ECATT Easier rework as greater Face Side to Back Side adhesion delta. Easier rework and thicker version of the 9732. High and Low adhesion sides. < 0.5 < 5.0
9780 200 XYZ Nickel/Cu High / Low Adhesion Double sided reworkable Acrylic ECATT Easier rework as greater Face Side to Back Side adhesion delta. Easier rework and thicker version of the 9732. High and Low adhesion sides. < 0.5 < 5.0








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